The Materiality of Knowledge
in Architecture Education
Master Thesis, MIARD, 2021
Published on the MIARD Archive
The Materiality of Knowledge in Architecture Education reflects on the power structures within Architecture Education.
Architectural knowledge is not only concerned with the construction and transformation of physical materiality of geographic landscapes and geological resources. It also encompasses the construction of representational materiality that generates internalized value systems relying on stable categories that are transforming the imaginations of our historical, cultural, psychological, phenomenological, political landscapes.
These are imaginations of normative households that shape the structure of our home; imaginations of social order and constituted identities that determine the degree of physical and psychological access to spaces; these are imaginations of modernist paradigms that reduce social-spatial relations into rationalized functions and standardized, pre-defined boxes.
Due to the increasing speed of ecological, social and technological changes, our reality is unstable, uncertain, and constantly shifting and therefore cannot depend on generic categories. To find new imaginations, this thesis seeks to rethink educational mechanisms and break their static boxes by looking at alternatives that enact non-hierarchical, non-competitive, subjective-yet-collaborative processes as the source of spatial knowledge and by introducing a ‘fluid methodology’ of unlearning, re-learning and co-learning.